What if children had access to someone that they could talk to, someone that believed in them no matter what, someone they could express their wildest dreams and fears to, someone who provided unconditional, unconventional, upbeat and uplifting support without judgement.
That’s what a Kids Life Coach does, we guide children to:
Feel empowered to give their best.
Find their own feel-good factors.
Identify their strengths and talents and capitalise on them.
Open their mind to opportunity and possibility.
Overcome any challenging circumstances that they may be faced with.
Have their own inner motivation & inspiration that stems from a place of self-love.
Embrace a sense of authenticity so that they can be true to themselves.
Maintain a positive mindset in whatever circumstances they find themselves in.
Accept & respect themselves.
Confidently build their own sense of self-worth.
Build their resilience for when life knocks them down.
Life is about a series of choices we make on a daily basis. Every choice we make has the ability to have a positive or negative impact on our own or somebody else’s life.
All of these choices are made based on five needs:
The fact is that worldwide, good kids are making bad choices because of influences on their outside world that they don’t always have control over.
What could be better than giving your child the independence and power to take control of their life choices?
Children are not just mini adult’s, their brains are not fully developed in the way an adult’s are. In fact, the part of the brain responsible for making decisions the Prefrontal Cortex is not fully developed until the child is 25! In teen’s brains especially, the emotional part of their brain (the amygdala) and the decision-making centre (the Prefrontal Cortex) are still developing and often at different rates, which is why when they make bad choices, they cannot explain why, they weren’t thinking as much as they were feeling.
Understanding how a child’s brain works is key to developing a healthy relationship with them on a positive note, before things get out of hand.
Kids Life Coaching activates the Prefrontal Cortex and sow’s the seeds for future experiences, giving the child the tools to make healthy life choices.
As a parent or teacher you can be actively involved in this process by making a few simple shifts for example:
Discuss the consequences of their actions as this will help them make links of impulsive thinking with facts. The more they do this, the more neurons they fire in their brain.
Remind them that they are competent and resilient individuals and how past bad experience haven’t been so bad after all.
Show an interest in what’s important to your teen, whatever that may be, their taste in music or fashion.
Ask if they want you to respond to their problems or just be a sounding board and listen!
If you would like to experience the benefits of Kids Life Coaching for your child with Teen Spirit Coaching, please fill out the form to book a consultation or contact me directly.